Wednesday, November 28, 2012


So I'm now into my winter break. It's nice to relax after the rough quarter, I'm definitely getting refreshed. The Pick-Up Princess e-book is coming along. Due to programming issues, the deadline has been pushed to early this year instead of the end of November. However, I did receive the very first beta test a couple weeks ago and it's looking awesome. Frank Ayars of Ayars Animation (the publisher) has been doing a great job and even included some things that I hadn't thought of (like a few clips of sound and a page jump option). 

In other news, I've picked up some work from a company called The Story Ship. They do educational programs for schools and they've asked me to design, build, and animate a few characters for an upcoming project they're doing. I'm becoming increasingly proud of the designs I'm doing so I'll keep you as updated as I can on the project and when it's released, you all should definitely check it out! 

Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving! Stay tuned! 

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Title Page of the Animated E-Book

Because I've neglected the blog for so long, I thought I would treat you all to the start page of "The Pick-Up Princess" animated children's e-book. In the actual app, there will be some limited animation on this, but for now just enjoy the still. And thanks to Paloma Schults for the awesome title and fonts!

Friday, November 2, 2012

An Even Later Update

Greetings to those existing out there in the ether! You may have noticed that I have not updated in a while. I'm deeply sorry for this. Life as well as several things relating to my animated children's e-book, "The Pick-Up Princess", have been occupying my time.

So here's what you missed:

Due to unforeseen financial issues, Andrews UK and Prairie Muse Press were unable to fulfill their contract with me. However, Ayars Animation has stepped in and taken over the project. Currently, the book is going through the programming stage.

The first commercial for "The Pick-Up Princess" has been finalized and is ready for launch upon completion of programming, which should be done in the next month or so. Everything relating to the book has been very exciting and it has been a great distraction from the ups and downs of life.

Life has This year I have had to face the death of a good friend of mine. I've slowly found a new normal, but being so far from home during that event was a challenge. My thoughts and prayers are continually with her friends and family.

But like I mentioned, life has it's ups and downs. I've been blessed with opportunities and it's my hope to use my talents to take advantage of all those opportunities despite the curve balls life throws from time to time. More on this later as I PROMISE to update more frequently.
