Tuesday, April 30, 2013

5!!!!!! Featuring Waymond Singleton

Wow. 5. DAYS. LEFT. I just can't get over that. Today we look at another Rough Animator on the project: Waymond Singleton. Be sure to stop by his Behance portfolio site as well, you won't be disappointed!  http://www.behance.net/waysingleton 

Waymond is one of the giggliest people I know. I don't think we ever got through a critique without him cracking a huge smile and laughing. He's great at keeping spirits up and it's no wonder that this has lead him to be involved and in charge of so many student groups. Stay giggly Waymond! 

Monday, April 29, 2013

6!!!!! Featuring Paloma Schultz

ONLY 6 MORE DAYS UNTIL OUR APP LAUNCHES! Wow! Today's post is brought to you by Graphic Designer Paloma Schultz. She was in charge of adding the words to the book and creating a fantastic Title logo! Be sure to check out more of her work on her portfolio site! http://www.behance.net/Paloma_Schultz

"Growing up in the South with the name Paloma couldn't have been good for my child psyche. I was fidgety, loud and obnoxious (fortunately I have overcome these afflictions...maybe). I had a rag doll named Myrtle that I took with me everywhere! She always seemed to be as big as I was, but in all actuality she was probably only about 2 feet long. Despite toting Myrtle with me everywhere, I tended to neglect her for a more exciting task. Myrtle was definitely worse for wear after 2 or 3 years and she had to be retired to the shelf in my room."

There are many areas in which I am incapable: rocket science, hula hooping, anything that involves physical activity, etc. However, I have a special kind inability for typography. Thank goodness that I kidnapped found Paloma! Thanks for all your work, Paloma! Stay sassy! 

Sunday, April 28, 2013

7!!!! Featuring Kevin Garubba

ONLY 7 MORE DAYS!!! Today we look at Colorist Kevin Garubba!

"I had this Luke Skywalker action figure who was caught in an alternate dimension and had Dragonball Z powers and had to team up with my Toy Story toys to save the universe...  We saved the universe so many times.  It was a thankless job but somebody needed to do it. "

Kevin and I were in a class together when he heard about The Pick-up Princess project. We had just finished rough animation and he was wondering if there was any way he could help out. I jumped at the chance to add him to our team. Along the way, Kevin made some great contributions including some extra animation on a scene that gave it a special element of life. Thanks for all your hard work Kevin! Stay savvy! 

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Location Research Shenanigans

Even though I'm busy with the countdown and what not, I've still had plenty of work from classes. Some of my favorite work this quarter has been coming from my location research class with awesome Aardman director Luis Cook. Here are some of my favorite experiments.

8!!! Featuring Margaretta Westerman!

Only 8 more days until the animated children's e-book "The Pick-up Princess" launches!! As a part of our countdown, I'm featuring one crew member every day. Today our story and art comes from Margaretta Westerman who was a rough animator on the project. 

"I had a lot of toys when I was younger but one of my favorite toys was a giant Meeko plush (from the Disney movie Pocahontas) that my dad gave me. I was living in England at the time and my Dad was sent to Texas for work. Well like most father's he brought back gifts for my brother and I and mine was this giant Meeko plush. He said he saw it and thought of me and since he had only brought one suitcase he had to stuff this giant plush into to his suitcase in order to bring it back to England. It's old and worn now but I still have it, he sits at the edge of my bed back in Virginia where my cats like to sit and sleep on him, he's just that fluffy still."

Margaretta is currently working at a Disney theme park soaking up all the artistic brilliance down there. I remember her animation being some of the easiest to clean up because she's one of those people who is good at hands and fingers. That may not sound like much, but trust me, hands are a nightmare! I'm completely jealous of her hand talent and was very blessed to have her on the Pick-up Princess team. Stay classy, Margaretta!  

Friday, April 26, 2013

9!! Featuring Catherine Huyck!

9 DAYS UNTIL OUR APP LAUNCHES! Today we look at the first person I brought onto the project. 

Catherine Huyck: Background Artist 

Back when I was a kid I was obsessed with collecting beanie babies. I don't just mean a few, I mean dozens. I had a huge Rubbermaid container full of them. But by far, my favorite was always Bones the dog. He was plain and simple, and always there no matter what. I could also easily stuff him in my pocket so I took him everywhere.

Working with Cathy was so much fun and she provided some of the best ideas for toys ever. Wherever you look in her work, there is always something completely off the wall; whether it be a walrus with a mustache or a Viking ship. Stay weird Cathy!

Thursday, April 25, 2013


10 DAYS! There are only ten more days until the children's animated e-book "The Pick-up Princess" launches on the app store! I am so happy to be able to say that, this has been a long time coming. 

To celebrate, I will be posting an image done by a member of my crew each day of the countdown about their favorite toy from childhood. 

Starting the whole thing off is myself: Debbie Scheller: Director and miscellaneous tasks person

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Demon Doodles

This is the character for my senior thesis film. If you'd like to check out his shenanigans further, I have some more of him up here: http://schellerdebbie.wix.com/debbieanimation#!senior-film/cbg4

He's kind of an angry little guy.

Smexeh Tree

This image corresponds to an animation I have in my 3D demo reel which can be found here: http://schellerdebbie.wix.com/debbieanimation

I created this as a thank you, but I sincerely think there should be more images of trees with sexy legs around. Where's the love for the trees at, guys?

Sunday, April 21, 2013

14 DAYS!!

Hey everyone! 14 DAYS UNTIL THE LAUNCH! We're so close now! The anticipation---GAHHH! I thought I would share a story this week...because...well...I didn't have time to draw anything. So sue me. I was genuinely doing a happy dance for a month after getting the contract in the mail, though. It was so official that I felt like one of those real human adult peoples for a second.

In other news, it's midterms week here at SCAD, so it's probably a good thing that The Pick-up Princess isn't launching quite yet. On top of my school work I also have some very intense freelance work that is keeping me jumping. It's going to be a stressful week, but a good one...I hope. There will be the 10 day countdown to look forward to. The Pick-up Princess crew has a very special surprise in store! So don't turn the dials that no longer exist today...more things should have dials.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

19 Days and Counting

Just 19 days until the animated children's e-book "The Pick-up Princess" is released! It's hard to believe that after all this time, it's really happening! 

Monday, April 8, 2013


It's official everyone! The coding has been finished and now it just has to be approved by Apple. I've talked with Frank Ayars of Ayars Animation and it has been decided that the official release is going to be May 5th!  Get ready to finally see the room cleaning adventure of Princess MAY 5th! Stay tuned for updates as they develop either here or our facbook page