Tuesday, January 29, 2013

And this little piggy....

My animatic for Prof. Wright's 2D production class. The last scene's staging needs work, but otherwise I'm pretty happy. Who doesn't love a good old fashion pig launching?

The Pick Up Princess! Coming Soon!

Yesterday I was given the second beta test of the upcoming animated children's e-book "The Pick-up Princess"! So far there is still no release date, but here is what Frank Ayars of Ayars Animation sent me:

 "I will try to make the bug fixes soon. At some point we willl have a viable release candidate and we will release it to Apple. It will take about two weeks for Apple to approve the binary - assuming no rejections." 

So it's going to be a little later than expected, but we're definitely close to the finish line! I'll keep you upated as things progress. Stay tuned! 

Saturday, January 26, 2013

armadillos, man

I'm currently working on my senior film which, as you may have guessed, involves an armadillo. Now that I've been working with the weights a bit more, it really doesn't look this bad. It's just that the armor plates of the back like to turn inside out and not fold properly when manipulated. It'll just take some time. However, I feel a desire to fulfill my human condition a bit and complain so...there ya go. Armadillos, man. Armadillos. 

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Baby Tooth

A sketch of Baby Tooth from Rise of the Guardians. She was one of my favorite designs in that film!