Thursday, May 24, 2012

Princess Update. All the things. All of them.

Well it's finals week and that means a lot of deadlines and work ahead of me. On the bright side, I took a break from clean-up on The Pick-Up Princess to color another scene. So another shot is all done and ready for the next step! I can't wait for a break so that I can really get the rest of this out though. Oh, yeah, and that whole relax thing...I've heard that's nice...

My pardons to Hyperbole and a Half for the use of their joke. It just perfectly expresses how I am feeling.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Nightwing Warm Up

Today's warm up. Dedicated to my sister who loves this character and just had surgery. Nightwing makes everything better!

Nightwing (c) DC comics

Happy Cat

Warm up animation from the 16th. Flash has been giving me problems with exporting things lately, hence the late post. I'm not extremely happy with the movement, but it at least helped me get into the pose thinking stage so that I could go animate my homework better.

Sick Platypus Warm Up

Yesterday's warm up animation. 

Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Leviathan Scene

On the upside, I finished another scene this week, so I only have one more scene to clean before everything goes into the color stage. The downside is that the last scene I have to clean up is a crazy mess of lines with 120 separate drawings that all need to be subtle and precise (you can see a few of them just above the drawing of Mom and Princess in that timeline). Through out the whole clean-up process, I've been working on this scene off and on. Every time I try to tackle it, I just get frustrated and move on to a scene I know I can clean quickly. This is my great white whale. Hopefully my story with this mighty beast ends better than Captain Ahab's.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day everyone! I am so blessed to have the mom I do. This is a small tribute using the talents she's always encouraged me to develop.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Pick-Up Princess Update

The problem with leaving your two hardest scenes to clean up until the end is that at the end, you need to clean up your two hardest scenes! This leaves you pretty frustrated. Right now, I'm just having a crisis with these lines. One scene jiggles all over the place and the character is constantly shifting on and off model. The other scene has the problem of some incomplete animation and being pretty off model. I'm confident they'll come together in the end, but right now I'm pretty dejected. It's this final push that is turning out to be the hardest!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Pick-Up Princess Backgrounds

This week has been pretty crazy since it's midterms here at SCAD. Unfortunately that means I haven't gotten much work done, but I'll give you guys some cool stuff to look at anyway! Here are a couple of backgrounds I created for the Pick-Up Princess.